Fixing Quotas on a cPanel Server

If you go into WHM > List Accounts and all your accounts are showing an unlimited quota and 0 disk space usage, you probably have a quota problem.

First thing, try running


This’ll take a while depending on your current disk usage, but will usually fix the problem. If it doesn’t, make sure that quotas are on for your filesystem. Look at /etc/fstab, and in the fourth column (the options column), make sure that ‘usrquota’ is specified for the file system that contains your user home folders. For example, this is how ours looks:

LABEL=/ / ext3 defaults,noatime,usrquota 0 0
LABEL=/home /home ext3 defaults,noatime,usrquota 0 0

If /home is part of the / partition, then the quotas need to be applied to / .

Now, remount the partitions with new options. For the root ( / ) partition for example, you’d run the following command:

mount -o remount /

Then run the following command to update quotas:


If the problem indicates a problem writing to /aquota.user or similar, make sure the file isn’t set to immutable:

chattr -ia /aquota.user


After following these steps, if you’re still having a problem feel free to submit a support ticket and we’ll help you out!

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