1. login to cpanel
2. select the MultiPHP INI Editor.
3. there are two modes to edit the php configuration.
Basic mode:
The Basic Mode section of this interface loads the following directive values from the php.ini file for your selected domain or home directory. Make your changes to the desired directives and click Apply. The system saves changes to both the php.ini file and the user.ini file and your .htaccess file.
Editor mode:
The Editor Mode section of this interface loads the contents of the php.ini file for your selected domain if it exists. If the php.ini file does not exist, the interface loads a blank editor so that you can create your own file. Make your changes to the desired directives and click Save.
1. Copy the global php.ini file to under the public_html or Create a PHP.ini file under the publi_html folder
2. Updating your php.ini values in public_html/php.ini.
3. Save the file.